For independent financial advice
on the Isle Of Wight, see an
Independent Financial Adviser.
Call us today!

At Ingard IFM, we provide reliable financial advice to clients on the Isle of Wight. Call us today for more information.

Comprehensive help and assistance with all of your financial planning needs

Whether you need advice on tax planning, investments, pensions, planning for long term care or reducing inheritance tax liability, we offer professional independent advice. Our qualified and experienced financial advisors can take care of all your requirements. From helping you get the most from your investments and pensions and ensuring the level of risk you take is right for you, to protecting your estate for your children and putting the right plan in place should you need long term care, either by self-funding the cost or long-term care annuities, we provide solutions based on your individual requirements and based on years of experience advising clients.

We offer free initial consultations at a location to suit you, so you can see if what we offer is right for you. We have advisers based in Newport IOW, London and Essex.

This web site is promoting our services to residents of the Isle of Wight, for the benefit of our Wootton office. For our London and Essex offices please visit our main web page which can be found at

Highly qualified and experienced financial advisors

    All of our advisers individually have more than 2 decades experience advising clients so, if you are looking for an experienced independent financial adviser, please feel free to get in touch. We provide the knowledge and expertise to advise you on all aspects of your financial needs and, offer a hand holding service with ongoing advice and assistance.

If you're looking for an independent financial advisor on the Isle of Wight, call Ingard IFM on: